Buying and selling affordable
canoes & kayaks
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Buying and selling canoes & kayaks
Kanodiscounter is the site for the purchase and sale of canoes and kayaks.
To keep moving
Time for everyone to get on the water and get going!
If the past period has taught us anything, it is how important it is to keep moving.
A canoe or kayak is the best way to exercise alone or together while enjoying all the beauty that nature has to offer, all at a distance of 1.5 meters today. No more regulation on the water! Get your life jacket on and paddles ready and don't forget to bring your treats for a break along the way!
In 2004 we started developing and selling boats that we built entirely in-house, “De Schuitfactory”.
In 2005 we grew into one of the largest providers of activities in Amsterdam, from which Damtours and Damcruise emerged. With a number of our own boats and bicycles, we have been showing thousands of visitors the most beautiful places in Amsterdam for 15 years, where the visitor lacks nothing. It's about experiencing and providing top service where you can with a no-nonsense mentality! We do what we promise!
Your canoe & kayak marketplace
Time to innovate and put your canoe/kayak for sale online? Then do so via our channel of the canoe discounter/canoe man!
Your local marketplace par excellence where supply and demand come together!